Make Backup Chats in FM WhatsApp [2024]- Best Methods

Are you wondering about an effortless method to backup chats in FM Whatsapp? Hurry! You’re in the right spot. We’ll also uncover seamless techniques to create and restore backups of files and chats. 

As you know, FM WhatsApp presents numerous unified features for every user. Hold on; this application also gives a customization option. FM Mods users can customize their application chat interface to enhance their experience. 

But now, it’s a moment to highlight simple methods for backing up and restoring files. Read all the provided steps carefully to enrich your understanding. Thus, start a real game without any procrastination.

Easy Steps To Create A Backup Chats in FM WhatsApp

Most individuals want to create a backup of their loved ones’ chats. In that instance, most of them need to be made aware of how to create those backups. In the below area, we’ll disclose cohesive techniques to make backups, therefore stay linked:

  • To create a backup chats in FM Whatsapp, check the application interface and click on three dots from the right corner.
Click on three dots
  • To move ahead, click on “settings”, which is at the end of the menu. 
Click on settings
  • In the next step, you’ll see more options, like chats and accounts. Select the chats option to make a backup of wallpapers, history, or data. 
Choose Chats History Option
  • From the FM Mods image below, choose the chat backup option. 
Chat Backup
  • To start the procedure, click on backup.
Click on Backup

Where To Save Chats Backup?

There are copious places for your FM WhatsApp chats. A few are listed in below section: 

  • Hard drives.
  • Backup drives.
  • Cloud Storage.
  • USB drive.
  • External SSDs.

Locate Backup Files of Chats

Are you worried about locating backup files of FM chat? If it’s true, then don’t worry. Numerous file explorer applications can navigate your saved backup files. Below are such two applications.

CX File Explorer

CX File Explorer

ES File Explorer

ES File Explorer

However, most individuals prefer ES file explorer because using applications is as easy as child’s play. 

Easy Steps To Locate Backup File

  • Check the internal storage option from this application. 
Internal Storage Option
  • Locate a folder named “FMWhatsapp.” This folder also contains various files, but you’ll select only FM Whatsapp here. 
Locate FM Whatsapp FOLDER
  • Users can also save this folder from another source to make chat backup safe. 
  • Click on the “FMWhatsapp” folder and press this button until the menu is shown in the below section. 
Click On three dots from below area
  • When a user click on the “More” will see numerous ways to store chat backups. Now, the user has the choice of selecting Google Drive or an alternative option for this backup. 
Check more options

Basic Instructions To Restore Backup

Let’s assume you deleted FM Mods but are now interested in using this wonderful app. Download this modified application first. 

Once you download and install an application, they’ll ask for number verification. Finish this verification step now. There will be a “Restoring backup” option, and then check the “Restore” option from the bottom. 

Alternative Options To Make Backup

Sometimes, phones get hung, and in this tense situation, people worry about their files and conversions. In this particular case, users’ chat backups could be safe if they created a manual backup and saved it in external storage like a USB. 

Why Do People Create Backup Chats in FM WhatsApp?

Following are a few mind-boggling benefits of making chats backup on an external storage place:

  • Inner Peace: Numerous people store their chat backups in an external storage place to find inner peace. Saving chat backups on a USB or in any other external place is a source of relief.
  • Straightforward Access: If users have created a manual backup of their chats and saved it in an external place, then they can easily access such chat backup within a few seconds. 

Frequently Asked Questions

There are three easy steps to transfer WhatsApp chats to a new phone:

  • First, download the same WhatsApp mode on your new phone.
  • They register on WhatsApp with the same phone number.
  • Now utilize an old phone to scan the QR code, which is shown on a new cell phone.

Users can utilise both CX & Es file explorers to locate their chat backup files from the device. 

Preparing a backup of the whole WhatsApp chat is easy, like flipping a switch. Follow the above instructions to create a backup of the whole chat. 

Yes, it is possible to recover or see deleted messages on FM WhatsApp. Just check the account settings and turn on the Anti-delete option.

Users can regularly create a backup of their FM Whatsapp chats to ensure data safety. 

Final Thoughts on Backup Chats in FM Whatsapp

The backup of files and conversations ensures the safety of data. However, many people can’t create backups of chats in FM Whatsapp due to a lack of knowledge. But now, after reading shared knowledge, they can easily make backups of chats and save them in Google Drive or any other external source.  

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